
Jiayou Xinxilan: Olympic Chinese to Kiwis

※不管是新西蘭還是紐西蘭都是指 New Zealand。

Jiayou Xinxilan: Olympic Chinese to Kiwis

As Olympic television watchers plonk themselves down for a megafeast of sport, it could be useful to know a little Chinese.


So that when the Bird's Nest erupts into "Jiayou! jiayou!" it's just simply a case of the sell out crowd urging the athletes to "go, go..."

因此當鳥巢傳出如雷貫耳的「Jiayou! Jiayou! (加油!加油!)」時,這其實可以簡單解釋為人山人海的觀眾向運動員高喊:「go, go...」。

Its might even be a case of them calling that out and adding "Xinxilan" to it ? "go New Zealand".

甚至還可以在高喊這些話後加上「Xinxilan (新西蘭)」,也就是「紐西蘭加油 (go New Zealand)」的意思。

Auckland University's Confucius Institute has today produced a guide to enhance the experience of watching the Chinese Olympics.


This includes the Chinese characters New Zealand itself which is made up of three characters, separately spelling out "new west orchid".

裡頭也包含 New Zealand 的中文字,是由三個中文字組成。個別翻譯這些文字就是「new west orchid (新西蘭)」。

A New Zealander is a Xinxilan ren.

紐西蘭人就是 Xinxilan ren。

In Chinese the translation of the Olympic Games is a long word; Aolinpike yundonghui, literally meaning Olympic sports meeting.

Ollymic Games 的中文翻譯很長:Aolinpike yundonghui,文字意思就是奧林匹克運動會。

The games are in Beijing and its character has been developed into a dancing human figure as part of the games' mascot.


Jiayou Xinxilan: Olympic Chinese for Kiwis
(2008/08/08, By MICHAEL FIELD - Fairfax Media)

看到 Bird's Nest 差點要翻成燕窩XD 至於水立方則是 Water Cube。

不曉得 Kiwis 會比較喜歡 Xinxilan 還是 Niuxilan?

